bonjour-the most awkward French word ever

i am studying abroad in Paris allll summer and just never want to forget how much i ♡ america, hence the stars & stripes



Monday, May 24, 2010

Arrived today!!
So I have to be honest: yep, I cried. But as I have recently reflected on it-- it is for shameful and embarrassing reasons. I cried because the building is old, I am hot, my luggage is heavy, & my face burns due to my acne medicine. When I walked into my room, I balled. So basically I've come to a conclusion: When I say I like Europe or traveling, etc what I am really saying is I just like vacations. Basically I didn't understand why I couldn't see the Eiffel Tower outside of my bedroom window-but whatever I'm over it.

Also i made a serious of terrible blunders all before noon today:
1. forgot to call my bank to let them know i'd be abroad
2. forgot to turn on my international cell phone service so i had none
3. forgot to exchange any usd into euros
4. got to europe with 20 cents
5. today was a special french holiday & no banks were open
6. i was so hot i thought i was going to die so i had to buy a fan
7. brought zero towels to a land where no shops were open to buy any (finally found some in northern paris (i live near the ghetto in southern paris) (i also still had no money)
8. beautifully thought it would be a stellar idea to buy a forty pound fan while in northern paris just so i could metro-it all the way home (i am multiple metro stops/multiple multiple yards from home)
9. bought a sandwich where the genius baked a sticker onto my bread
10. did many loud embarrassing american gestures in response to terrible smells

So here's my room-- I actually like this place after the initial shock that it wasn't the westin.
haha it actually has a really cool story--but that's for later.

This is my stellar bedside table: please notice probably the most important thing on the table-my Rick Steves' travel books wahoo.

Too bad the computer screen is too small to see that T. Swift is playyying.

This picture is essential: absolutely. It's all about the fan. It sorta looks vintage & I'm all into it.

This is another window view (of the back of our building)

In sum, I am posting the day after I arrived-for the record i've concluded after today that i will survive. wahoo.


  1. I am so glad you made it!! Your list of blunders made me laugh... so very Anna :)

    Love to you!!!!!!

  2. Haha, Anna you're awesome. I'll send one up for you! Maybe see if the big guy in the sky can do anything about that heat. =P

    Just remember, when dealing with the Frenchies, sometimes it's best to just 'ferme ta bouche'. =D

  3. Hey Anna -you're an artist-love the pics, love the blog, love youuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Wish I was there!!keep the pics and comments coming-

  4. Hope things are looking up! I'm looking forward to hearing more! xoxox

